The MTT assay is a quantitative colorimetric method used to determine cell proliferation. It utilizes the yellow tetrazolium salt which is metabolized by mitochondrial succinic dehydrognase activity of proliferating cells to yield a purple formazan product. This purple formazan is then solubilized and the concentration is determined by reading under an optical desity which ranges from 500nm to 600nm. As the MTT assay only detects living cells, it can be use to measure cell cytotoxicity, proliferation or even activation.
Part of my experiment will include the use of MTT assay to determine both the growth curve of both normal lung cell (MRC-5) and large lung carcinoma cells (H460) which are seeded in a 96 well flat bottom plate. The advantages of using MTT will include high accuracy and the exclusion of using radioisotope.
Below are steps for performing the MTT proliferation assay:
Preparation of MTT stock
1) Adding 1ml of sterile PBS into the 5mg vial of MTT
2) Votex the mixture till all of the MTT is dissolved (takes approximately 3 to 5mins to dissolve completely)
(Note: the MTT stock can be stored for four weeks at 4 degrees celsius protected from light)
Labeling of cells
3) Add 10µL of MTT stock to each well ( The wells will turn to a slight yellow in colour)
4) Incubate at 37 Degrees Celsius and 5% carbon dioxide concentration for 4 hours (1st incubtion)
5) After incubating the plates for 4 hours, remove all but 25 µL medium from each well
6) Add 50µL of DMSO into each plates
7) Incubate the plate for the second time at 37 Degrees Celsius and 5% carbon dioxide concentration for 10mins (2nd incubation)
Absorbance reading
8) Read the absorbance at 540nm using a microplate absorbance reader
The above steps is a quick alternative to the conventional steps which uses SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - HCL solution instead of DMSO to solubilize or dissolve the purple formazan. However, the conventional steps will require an addition of 4 to 18 hours of incubation time ontop of the first incubation stated in step 4 and has to be read at 570nm instead of 540nm.
Some important points to note are that:
1) DMSO is a powerful solvent and is able to rapidly penetrate the skin and it is important to avoid skin contact with DMSO
2) Both DMSO and the MTT stock are sensitive to light and must be kept away from light to prevent degenerative effects or inaccuracy
Thank You
ReplyDeletePurple formazan precipitate need to be solubilized before absorbance reading using DMSO.
Why you do not use the MTS assay which is faster and safer?
• Fast – Eliminates solubilization of formazan crystals before absorbance reading and MTS is more efficiently bioreduced compared to MTT
• Safe – Requires no volatile solvent to solubilize formazan product
Li Yinliang Alex
0704894E TG02
Group 8
30 August 2009
ReplyDeleteYes, i agree that MTS assays are more effective and is a better alternative as compared to MTT assays. Maybe the various quotations and the availability of the assays might had resulted in the use of MTT instead of the safer and faster MTS assay.
However, as i am positive that the DMSO does not affect my cells and that the MTT assay is able to give me as accurate results. Both assays are actually as effective in my experiment.
Thank you for your comment
Sorry if this sounds abit obvious, but can you explain what exactly is MTT?
Hi. Erm i would like to ask how is the purple formazan solubilize? using what?
ReplyDeleteAnd what does it mean by activation of cells?
ReplyDeleteMTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, a tetrazole)is actually use to determine cell growth, as MTT ( yellow in colour) will turn to a formazan (purple in colour)due to the enzyme activity of the cells.
The purple formazan is solubilized by using DMSO.
For your second question, i am refering to whether the cells are active or not.
Hope this helps
hi stan!
ReplyDeletei'm using MTT assay too! however, i'm using detergent instead of DMSO thus i have a longer period of incubation.
during your incubation with either MTT/detergent, do you incubate in the dark too?
can we leave MTT / detergent reagents at room temperature?
is it possible to dilute MTT reagent in other media other than PBS?
lim jia hui
tgo1 0703605F group 2
Hello Joey,
ReplyDeleteYup, i incubate the MTT treated plates in the dark.
We should keep the MTT stock( mixed with PBS) under negative 2 Degrees Celsius and away from light. However, if it is still dry and haven been mixed or prepared, i think it is possible to keep them under room temperature.
PBS is isotonic and non-toxic to cells therefore it can be use to dilute substances. So if there is another alternative media which has the same properties as PBS. I believe PBS can be subsituted.
ReplyDeleteCan you explain (if possible) for your step 5, ie "remove all but 25ul medium per well". Why do you leave 25ul of medium remaining in the well? Some other protocols require total removal of all medium before addition of DMSO to solublise the formazan.
Hello? Where is Stanley?? Your post has been disregarded.
ReplyDeleteAfter the incubation with the MTT reagent Im able to see the purple precipítate. My question is, after the 4h incubation and addition of the detergent the reaction to produce formazan stops? Can somebody help me to solve my question?